Łukasz Stolarski

Phonetics, computational linguistics, and data science

Academic qualifications

PhD Program in Linguistics

Wrocław University

2002 - 2008

Language Studies

Wrocław University, MA program in the field of English Studies

2000 - 2002

Post-graduate Translation Studies

Wrocław University

2001 - 2002

Teacher’s Training College

Centre of European Languages in Częstochowa, BA program in the field of teaching English

1997 - 2000

Other qualifications

Qualified Teacher Status

Department of Education, UK


Certificate of Proficiency in English

University of Cambridge, Grade A


major research interests

  • phonetics (acoustic, articulatory)
  • computational linguistics
  • corpus linguistics (online corpora, offline concordancing software, text analysis and processing using programming languages)
  • sociophonetics / sociolinguistics (multimodal sentiment analysis, emotions in language, gender in language)

other research interests

  • lexicology (measures of lexical diversity)
  • pragmatics (metaphor, irony, Relevance Theory)
  • historical linguistics (order of prenominal adjectives in English)


Stolarski, Ł. (under review). Semi-automatic placement of vowel articulations in the IPA Vowel Diagram.

Stolarski, Ł. (under review). Acoustic correlates of lip rounding based on the articulation of Cardinal Vowels.

Stolarski, Ł. (under review). Articulation of Cardinal Vowels by Different Phoneticians.

Stolarski, Ł. (under review). Indices of lexical diversity using subsamples may be affected by thematic diversity which increases with text length.

Stolarski, Ł. (2022). Correlations between positive or negative utterances and basic acoustic features of voice: A preliminary analysis. Research in Language, 20(2), 153–178.

Stolarski, Ł. (2021). Comparison of key statistical instruments used in the English language. Token: A Journal of English Linguistics, 13, 219-248.

Stolarski, Ł. (2020). Correlation between car size, weight, power and vowel quality in model names. Studia Anglica Posnaniensia. An International Review of English Studies, 55, 21-48.

Stolarski, Ł. (2020). The influence of character’s gender and the basic emotions of ‘happiness’ and ‘sadness’ on voice pitch in the reading of fiction. Brno Studies in English, 46(1), 49-89.

Stolarski, Ł. (2019). Articulation of affricates in homorganic clusters in English. In P. Zbróg (Ed.), System i norma w perspektywie lingwistycznej (pp. 257–266). Kielce: Muzeum Narodowe w Kielcach.

Stolarski, Ł. (2018). Lack of effects of gender on the reading rate of long texts. Sociolinguistic Studies, 12(3-4), 461–479.

Stolarski, Ł. (2017a). Intensity of the reader’s voice in the reading aloud of fiction: Effects of the character’s gender. Studia Anglica Posnaniensia. An International Review of English Studies, 52(3), 285–301.

Stolarski, Ł. (2017b). Rendering of gender when reading fiction aloud. Linguistica Silesiana, 38, 249–283.

Stolarski, Ł. (2016a). Diachronic Development of the Order of Prenominal Adjectives in English: The Case of AGE and SHAPE Semantic Categories. Leeds Studies in English, 47, 1–14.

Stolarski, Ł. (2016b). Lexical diversity in selected 18th century English novels. Studia Methodologica, 42, 36–42.

Stolarski, Ł. (2015a). An Experiment in Size-Sound Symbolism: /i/ versus /a/ in Polish Diminutive Suffixes. Anglica Wratislaviensia, (53), 105–117.

Stolarski, Ł. (2015b). Further Analysis of the Articulation of /r/ in Polish – the Postconsonantal Position. SKY Journal of Linguistics, 28, 349–379.

Stolarski, Ł. (2015c). Pitch patterns in vocal expression of “happiness” and “sadness” in the reading aloud of prose on the basis of selected audiobooks. Research in Language, 13(2), 141–162.

Stolarski, Ł. (2013a). Articulation of the Polish /r/ in the intervocalic position. In M. Kuczyński & L. Szymański (Eds.), Language, thought and education: across systems (pp. 21–35). Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego.

Stolarski, Ł. (2013b). Style-shifting as a function of multiple factors: a corpus based study. Token – A Journal of English Linguistics, 2, 245–263.

Stolarski, Ł. (2013c). Tap as the basic allophone of the Polish rhotic. Linguistica Silesiana, 34, 35–56.

Stolarski, Ł. (2012). Size-sound symbolism in the names of cars. Token: A Journal of English Linguistics, 1, 171–189.

Stolarski, Ł. (2011). Palatality in size-sound symbolism on the basis of selected Polish examples. In M. Mochoń (Ed.), Studia Neofilologiczne (pp. 39–56). Kielce: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach.

Stolarski, Ł. (2010a). Palatalization of consonants in Polish before /i /and /j/. In P. P. Chruszczewski & Z. Wąsik (Eds.), Languages in Contact (pp. 163–177). Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Wyższej Szkoły Filologicznej we Wrocławiu.

Stolarski, Ł. (2010b). Selected Shakespeare’s metaphors in translation. In P. Kakietek & J. Nykiel (Eds.), Topics in Shakespeare’s English (pp. 165–181). Częstochowa: Wydawnictwo Wyższej Szkoły Lingwistycznej w Częstochowie.

Stolarski, Ł. (2004a). Proces odbudowy poziomu Formy Cytowanej [Reconstruction of the citation form level]. In P. P. Chruszczewski (Ed.), Aspekty współczesnych dyskursów (Vol. 1, pp. 359–376). Kraków: Krakowskie Towarzystwo Popularyzowania Wiedzy o Komunikacji Językowej Tertium.

Stolarski, Ł. (2004b). Selected Shakespeare’s metaphors in translation. Anglica Wratislaviensia, 42, 157–172.

courses taught at linguistics bachelors and masters programs:

  • phonetics
  • computational linguistics
  • corpus linguistics
  • statistics for linguistic analysis
  • introduction to general linguistics
  • introductory courses on phonology, morphology, semantics, pragmatics and syntax
  • various courses on English as a foreign language (speaking, reading, listening and use of English)

computer programming skills

  • Python programming language, including, but not limited to, proficiency in the use of the following libraries:
  • NLTK – Natural Language Toolkit
  • Pandas – data analysis
  • Numpy – scientific computingt
  • Scikit-Learn – machine learning
  • Keras – Python neural networks API
  • Django – Python back-end framework
  • Tkinter – GUI programming
  • R programming language and general experience with statistical methods
  • Front-end technologies
  • HTML
  • CSS, SASS, Bootstrap
  • JavaScript, Vue.js
  • Scripting in Praat for acoustic analysis of speech
  • Use of Linux terminal, including GIT
  • Basics of SQL (MySQL, Python SQLite)
  • Basics of Docker


Phonetic Corpus of Audiobooks

A language corpus based on over 100 audiobooks obtained from "librivox.org". Available for free at: pca.clarin-pl.eu

The source code can be found on GitHub at: github.com/Stolarski-Lukasz/PCA


A program for semi-automatic placement of vowel articulations in the IPA Vowel Diagram. Available for free at: vowelmeter.pythonanywhere.com

The source code can be found on GitHub at: github.com/Stolarski-Lukasz/vowelmeter


A free program for calculating lexical diversity. It offers several indices and text segmentation options. Available at: lexdive.pythonanywhere.com

Contact me if you need a desktop version of the software (without an Internet connection).

The source code can be found on GitHub at: github.com/Stolarski-Lukasz/lexdive

Phonetic Counter

Software for counting phonemes, consonants, vowels and syllables in English texts. Available for free at: phoneticcounter.pythonanywhere.com

Contact me if you need a desktop version of the software (without an Internet connection).

The source code can be found on GitHub at: github.com/Stolarski-Lukasz/phoneticcounter

Text to CHAT Convertion Tool (TCCT)

A free tool for converting texts to the CHAT format used in CLAN. Available at: tcct.pythonanywhere.com

Contact me if you need a desktop version of the software (without an Internet connection).

The source code can be found on GitHub at: github.com/Stolarski-Lukasz/tcct
